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Actually this task cannot be finished as you want. It wants time to be adapted by your body and mind both. I can suggest you some values which you have to follow each day in order to do away with procrastination and idleness from your life: • Work out every day. (I know you will feel this very hard to carry out, but think about its benefits, outcome of your hard work etc.) • Read whatever thing for a picky time, but it must be useful. • After waking up at morning do not open any Social Networking website, in its place read newspaper or plan your whole day. How will you spend your whole day? What works you need to carry out today? etc. • After leaving your bed at morning do not use it till night, means only use it for sleeping purpose for night only. • Learn on Table and Chair. Keep your back straight. • You also have this routine of leaving your work imperfect. Do not be proud of this, it is a worst value you have. But you can change it. • at any time you starts a new work then after sometime your two buddies comes (Procrastination and Laziness) and tell you to delay this work, in its place listening to them listen of your thinker and remember why are you doing this work and if I’ll not total this then what will be the cost and their influence. • If you feel that you have some facts about a topic or more than two then share your knowledge and do your input at Quota. • Develop your English, if you are not good in it. Read more https://essayservi
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5 years ago
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