1949 tudor sedan
This looks like something I would see on my cousin's ranch. They have all kinds of stuff out there in the trees, just sittin there, being lost to termites and rust.
i like that orange truck behind it
Its an early Tucker! Thats where the headlight goes!!!
hate to see'em like this
Flat black, Flames, red wheels and wide whites! with maybe an early hemi or an Olds under the hood? *drools* oh the possibilities! this car could be sweet.
the grille looks like someone trimmed the center of the grille bullit out where it would normally say 8 or 6.for a third light maybe?
can anyone tell me whats up with the center of this cars grille?it looks very different from other pictures in this section.
man,the potential this car has!i'd love to have a 49 in this condition to start with...
I really love that Grille. Hope she gets what she deserves..
The perfect canavas for a nice custom in the old school tradition.
Shoebox Ford